Random Questions; Random Days... Thursday, December 4
With winter fast approaching, how do you feel about snow? I think the snow is beautiful when it's fresh and looks clean. I would probably still enjoy playing in it, but once a year would be enough. Driving is a different story; it makes me tense and isn't good for me.
Random Questions; Random Days... Tuesday, December 9
Today's question is from OttO
What is your favorite wintertime beverage? I had to go put some water on; now I can answer this question. As a treat, I enjoy hot chocolate; Swiss Miss has a sugar free hot chocolate that includes splenda (sucralose) which is derived from sugar.
My all seasons hot drink treat is
Chai green tea; it is green tea with spices added - they include: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, ginseng, chicory, cloves and black pepper. This tea reminds me of a hot apple cider type treat and it has an added benefit because it is green tea.
One more tea which I just recently became fond of is called
"Africa's Miracle"; it is naturally caffeine free and anti-oxidant rich. For you tea lovers who have not generally enjoyed herbal teas, this tea is for you. It has a robust flavor and is good for you. This tea would be a good coffee replacement for those of you who have thought about cutting down on the coffee.
I'm drinking Africa's Miracle right now.