Jan's Introspection

me and my latest - whether they be plans, insightful thoughts, ideas or realities.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

On my way to school the other day, approaching a stop light where there is plenty of traffic in the early evening, I see that the light is once again OUT! This isn't a good thing; I need to get moving. There are three lanes going in each direction - yes, each which means North, South, East and West. That's 12 lanes total. I need to turn left which requires me to be in the middle of all this mess. In case you're not quite visualizing this, turning right wouldn't be as stressful. I decided it was my turn and started creeping out as I see cars from two other directions also wanting to come out, so we all dodged each other as I tapped on my horn so as to say, "hey, I'm here! It's not a hummer, but don't hit me!

Whew! I made it.


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