Jan's Introspection

me and my latest - whether they be plans, insightful thoughts, ideas or realities.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

from Monday Madness!

1. I spend more time than I need to on the computer every day.
2. It always takes me just a matter of minutes to get ready in the morning, but some times I don't "get ready" until later.
3. I would rather go to the dentist than go to Iraq
4. My favorite dessert is ice cream with caramel topping and nuts - let's add a banana too; is that a sundae?
5. When I go to the store for one item, I always walk out with about two or three and sometimes nothing; if I don't find the one I was looking for, I usually leave with nothing - unless I was looking for food; you can always find a substitute for food.
6. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, today I would be pure sugar.
7. I set my thermostat to ? in the summer and ? in the winter.
8. My favorite outdoor activity is enjoying the outdoors usually walking.
9. My favorite indoor activity is chillin'.
10. When I'm feeling down, I usually eat and sleep.


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