Jan's Introspection

me and my latest - whether they be plans, insightful thoughts, ideas or realities.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

I have noticed that I blog less when I have the most on my mind. Why? Probably because it is through blogging that I organize those thoughts, so I will try to spill out my thoughts here and there. back to traveling.....

For weekend jaunts, I usually take one carry on item and sometimes a "personal" item. My carry on is only 16" high, 14" wide and 8" thick. Although this definitely fits into the "size wise" dimensions, sometimes on certain "express" type flights the passengers are told to check in the bag because the overhead can not accomodate it. On the way over to WA, the guy looked at me and said, "I'll let it go." I was able to keep my luggage with me. For some reason, I decided to check it in on the way back which I never have done with this small bag before. I thought for sure that my bag would definitely make the flight change in Dulles, but was a little concerned as to whether or not I would make it. Guess what? I made it (barely), but my bag didn't.

When I arrived in Sav'h, I innocently asked, "why did the belt stop?" the worker told me it was because there was no more luggage. I hadn't even entertained that idea and asked what I was supposed to do. I went to the ticket counter, filled out the proper paperwork and instructed them not to send it to my house. I just didn't want my stuff to do any more traveling. I didn't want to have to concern myself with more details of will I be there when it arrives either. Since my place of employment is less than a mile from the airport, I told them I would pick it up myself.

The next day, I retrieved my luggage and all is well.


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