Jan's Introspection

me and my latest - whether they be plans, insightful thoughts, ideas or realities.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

On my way from Cleveland to Charlotte NC (connecting flight), I thought I was going to nap a bit. I ended up chatting during the whole flight.

Do you believe that things happen for a reason? ...that coincidences are not really a mere coincidence? I do to an extent along with the idea that we are in control of future happenings (to an extent once again).

I sat next to a lady who has recently retired from the court system and her husband died 5 years ago. She doesn't like to fly, but she doesn't like to drive either. She visits her children periodically who live all around The United States of America. She prefers it when her children visit her.

She was talking about possibly getting a part time job through a temp agency ...blah, blah. This is when I told her about the many retired people who work at the Home Depot. I told her how they have the perfect situation because they don't have to be there and it gives them an outlet to be around other people while possibly learning new things and helping others.

The more we talked, the more she got excited about the idea. She had mentioned a friend who knows how to fix a few things around the house and how she wished she could do the same. In response to this, I encouraged her to learn some of that stuff herself. I told her about the 50% tuition reimbursement (after being there a year) and suggested a tech school where she could study plumbing, electrical or horticulture - whichever she found most interesting and/or challenging and useful.

The plane landed and we both felt energized.

I believe it was meant to be that I sat next to that lady. My encouragement helped motivate and energize her while having the same effect on me. For me it was energizing because I was reminded of what my natural talent is - encouraging, motivating and helping others.


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